Monday 29 June 2015

Research into Godwins music theory - Miss Georgiou

The theory is essential to consider when coming to analyse a video for a number of reasons. Firstly, one reason which could be said is that

1. music video demonstrating genre characteristics

Throughout the music video of "Love the way you lie" by Eminem featuring Rihanna, a number of the pop genre characteristics can be seen throughout.

Straight from the off, one genre characteristic which can be seen straight from the off, and which is continued throughout is the relationship of a man and woman, as the whole idea of the music video is based upon the relationship. This is very common within songs that come under the pop genre; this being possibly one of the most common conventions of the pop genre. Showing this within the first 6 seconds introduces Megan Fox (the woman in the shot) very early, which could be done so that it engages the audience and entices them to continue watching. Showing the relationship at the beginning also shows the main aspect/ part of the music video straight away, as many ideals and messages are based upon this.

Another convention which the video and song follows is that they usually take place between 3-5 minutes, and have a consistent beat to it. The song overall lasts around 4 minutes. As this particular video and many other pop videos often have a sense of a narrative and concept throughout, they are often long enough to portray such, as demonstrated with the length of this video. This allows for enough content to be included and for the story/ concept to be fully told and explained.

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals

Within the music video, there is a clear relationship between the lyrics and visuals throughout. One example to take of this would be the segment in which Eminem is rapping to the camera in the field. This is as he can clearly be seen matching his visuals towards the audio which has been edited in to the background and synced together in the final product. This can be seen in all of the segments in which he is rapping in the field, and near the later part in which Rihanna and Eminem are alongside each other on screen, they can be seen not lip syncing with the lyrics.

Another example during the video which can be seen matching the lyrics and visuals can be seen taken from the counterpart artist Rihanna, to which it both the visuals and audio of the lyrics are in sync. Very similar to that of Eminem, Rihanna can be seen having a relationship between lyrics and visuals in every moment before the half way mark of the song, in which after that point when she is on screen at the same time as Eminem she is not infact lip syncing.

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals

There is in fact a relationship between the music and visuals at points during the video also. Moments to take in particular would be the segments of the song in which being burned and fire is referenced, to which while these lyrics are being performed the background is of fire, directly linking. This takes place on a number of occasions throughout the video as  the chorus of the song references fire, to which at many points is fire present in the video.

4. The demands of the record label

Throughout the music video, there are segments in which multiple people that take part have there face zoomed in on.

One of which is the woman in the video, who is in fact played by Megan Fox, a well known model and actress. Close ups of her are potentially used to make the viewer aware of her being present in the video. This could be done as she was most probably costly to higher for the video, so the record label will want her face to be out there. By doing so this fully utilises the presence of having her, as the music video itself must have been costly due to the presence of Rihanna, Eminem, as well as the cost of the additional visuals added in. Through using close ups of her, it could also be used for the audience to feel sympathy on her, as the actor playing the man in the relationship isn't known, whereas with Megan Fox she is, therefore the viewer may feel sympathetic and on the side of her.

Close ups are also used of both Rihanna and Eminem throughout, both of which the close ups occur usually when they are midway through performing. Using close ups for the artists could be done so that the audience can make a relationship easier with them. This is as through zooming in it exposes there facial expressions, which allows for the viewer to witness the emotion which both of them are showing throughout the video. This may portray them as being more down to earth and relatable for the viewer which enables a relationship to be built between the audience. Also through using the close ups, it makes the artists the drawing point of the video, potentially engaging the audience to continue watching.

5. There is frequently reference to the notion of looking and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body

To an extent, it could be said that this is seen throughout the beginning segment of the song, and there is a clearer example of such later on in the music video also. At the very beginning of the video, Megan Fox (seen above as the first imagine) can be seen lying asleep in bed, wearing little clothing bellow the waist. This is conventional of music videos as a whole as many music videos often have the female body showed in such a way, and in many instances they are stationary on screen, as evident in this video. Showing this straight from the off, alongside the whole idea of the relationship being introduced, showing her laying in bed without many clothes could be establishing the idea of her being objectified in the relationship, as later in the video she is shown being abused by the man.

Another example of a female within the video showing skin is Rihanna, more so near the later part of the video (as in the previous parts, her presence was mainly close ups), she can be seen wearing little clothes also. This is a common stereotype of music videos of this nature, and could be done for a number of reasons. One reason could be to simply engage male viewers to continue watching, but a denoted meaning could link towards the background scenery and the messages/ values which are shown throughout the video (see bellow).

6. There is often inter textual reference

In regards to inter textual reference, I could only find one instance while analyzing the music video in which a reference to a product could be seen. As seen bellow, the label of a Russian vodka can be seen being shown for a very short instance. The music video often has references to alcohol throughout (One example being near the end of the video in which Megan Fox walks out on the man, and he goes to grab a bottle of vodka). Through picking this as a point to do a close up of and clearly showing the label could potentially link towards an ideal of the negative affects of alcohol, as when this label is being shown the man robs it from the store, possibly linking towards the idea of breaking the law/ sinning. This idea is also evident with the segments with the man as he is shown on a number of occasions committing assault on the woman, in which during these segments it is implied that he is under the influence of alcohol. The use of this form of inter textual reference therefore linking towards another ideal of the video.

7.  Whether the video is primarily performance based, narrative based or concept based
There is a clear example of there being performance throughout the music video. This can be seen in any of the segments in which Eminem is seen rapping in front of the camera, and also the segments in which Rihanna is performing in front of the camera. This would be expected and is a common element to many music videos as a whole, not just the pop genre. Through performing it allows for the artists to add another element to the music and visuals, as well as there portrayal, to which in this video it is to show the emotion and expressions of both of the artists featured.

In regards to narrative, there is also a clear narrative which is shown throughout. This is of the relationship between the man and the woman, in which a love story is told. Although not a conventional love story which would be expected which would be more happy and upbeat, but the hostile nature of the relationship and narrative can be seen from the beginning of the video. The narrative of the story of the two is clearly shown all the way from the begging to the end, to which along the way connoting messages and ideals behind the events which are occur.

For the concept, there is a couple of messages/ values which are being portrayed throughout, all of which centered around violence and relations, with reference to alcohol at times. One concept which is denoted throughout could potentially be about how once the "spark" in a relationship goes, things can go bitter very quickly, possibly trying to say that there is a thin boundary between love and hate. Evidence of this could possibly be through the mix of both romance and violence which is seen primarily near the later part of the video, and also through the use of the fire burning in Megan Foxs hand which was originally ignited previously in the video, implying that the love in the relationship has burnt out.

Conclusion - 

I believe analyzing this video will assist me in planning my own music. This is as if I am going to follow this theory, it will help me in trying to apply it towards my own music video as I'll know what points I will have to include, as well as being given a real life example in the video. It can also give me an insight into music videos as a whole as its a theory many videos follow. This particular video has assisted me greatly as for the most part it clearly contains every aspect of Godwins theory and is quite explicit in showing this, as it is often clear to see to the viewer. Alongside this, it could be said that there are multiple concepts which are being portrayed, adding for diversity in the messages shown. It contains all three of narrative, concept and performance, showing examples for all of them.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of Goodwin's theory demonstrates some proficient understanding of the music video theory. You have made a start in identifying the main points of the theory and you have related your points back to the music video, to demonstrate your understanding of the theory.

    1) Relate your points back to the genre throughout, to demonstrate further knowledge and understanding
    2) Within your conclusion, you need to explore which characteristics you would like to include within your own music video and why?
