Sunday 18 October 2015

Miss Georgiou - Planning artist image

Group planning sheet for the artists representation throughout our music video
An artists image within a music video is a very important element. This is because different audiences can relate to how the artist looks and what he wears, and because of this reason my group and I will need to make our artist relatable towards our target audience so that people will like him and buy his albums etc. The artists image is very important because what he wears will suggest the type of genre of music he's aiming for. The image is essential to plan because it could convey a hidden meaning in the video. This is as if someone was wearing bright clothing in a video, you would assume it's summer or that the artist comes across as having a very 'colourful' and bright personally towards the audience. 

The first element of our artists image I shall discuss is the costume of the artist and what my group and I have agreed upon over what we want him to wear. The artist within our the music video will be wearing dark clothes, either black or dark grey throughout the whole duration of the video. The costume which we have opted for is conventional to our artist because the audience will be able to relate to him more, as other indie artists commonly wear black clothing throughout their own music videos. The representation of our artist is that he is quite dark and serious in the video, which indie audiences often find to be interesting, and watch the video for the dark themes which are addressed by the artist in the video. The costume mirrors our style of video as the concept of the video will be to show that it's very hard to get into the music industry all by yourself and that running away from your home could lead to devastating results, which are dark orientated themes. Because of this our artist will be wearing dark clothing to further hint at the dark messages which are conveyed throughout the duration of the music video.  The lyrics within the song reflect this portrayal of the black clothing, one example being "Run down some dark alleys in my own head". The colour black often conveying negative and dark emotions, which is re-enforced by the lyrics and will be done through the lyrics and is also re-enforced through the negative emotions which are associated with the colour black, and outfits in this case. 

The next element of the artist I would like to address is the hair of the artist, and how having this particular style of hair will benefit the production. Firstly, my group and I discussed that it would be best the artist to have clean and well groomed hair, however, as the video progresses it becomes less clean and more scruffy and dirty. This will be done to show that he doesn't have a home or a shower or anything to in general, and to emphasis his poor standard of living and quality of life. The hair we've decided upon for our artist to have throughout the video will be conventional to the indie genre because most indie artists tend to have scruffy hair. This could be because they don't see it as being a particularly important element towards there image as having to show them as being successful, however as we're using a narrative, it's essential towards the portrayal of the artist that their hair slowly becomes more and more scruffy as it follows the narrative of the video, and shows his downwards spiral throughout the visuals. This will convey our artist in a pessimistic light as the video shows he doesn't have a home or a job in the city, but is trying desperately to get fame there, so for this reason he looks unsuccessful at this point in the video. The hair which my group and I have decided upon will help with the style of video because the narrative and concept will mirror our artists hair style, the scruffy hair he has by the end shows that he was unsuccessful at getting into the music industry; emphasizing his struggles throughout, and that even despite being so driven towards achieving and doing good for himself,  he couldn't achieve his goal of making it as an artist,  showing how hard it is to become successful within the industry. Within the lyrics of our song, this representation is evident where it says "I'm an old dog but I learned some new tricks yeah", as throughout the duration of the music video my group and I intend upon our artists hair to get gradually messier, therefore the visuals of the music video and lyrics will link in that sense as the progression of his hair getting messier will show how the visuals are almost ageing and that his situation is slowly dying off. This lyric can be heard near the end also, further emphasising the development of the visuals of the pessimistic narrative. 

The final point which I will be addressing relates towards the make up that artist will have during the music video and what our group have decided upon. We all agreed that it isn't necessary to have the artist covered with make up but if we needed to use any. Although, if for any reason we need any, we could use some make up that would make the artist look even dirtier than what can already be seen in comparison from the beginning of the video. I would say that this isn't conventional to the indie genre because artists normally don't wear any indie music videos. Although saying this it would show the audience the artist is trying his up most to become famous by going from place to place, in the hope of getting a job or anything which will to help him. This will make the artist come across as dedicated as he is trying so hard to become famous, which is emphasized by him being shown as living on the streets, playing the guitar busking hoping that he can get noticed by the right person and at the right time. This may also make him across in a desperate way as well, showing how little he has and how badly he wants to just get by. This representation mirrors the style of the music video as we are trying to get across how hard it is to get into the music industry on your own, which is made evident through the artists portrayal throughout. It also mirrors the narrative because the video is showing his downwards spiral into homelessness, as at the end he has no money to pay to get by. There are no lyrics within the song to warrant for the artist to either be or not wearing makeup. 

 My group and I's target audience will be able to build a relationship with the artist as he's doing what anyone wants to do in life, which is to strive for their dreams and to try and  pursue their dreams. This is dramatized with our artist as he takes it too far to a point where he is forced to go back, due to his flee to the city being unsuccessful as he become even worse off. The viewer will also be able to build a relationship with our artist because he has been designed to be catered towards what indie audiences find appealing and expect to see throughout music videos in the genre. The hair and the costume of the artist are both key elements when the artist is trying to be relatable towards the audience, as it shows his down to earth portrayal, and his struggle of trying to achieve a better standard of living. 


  1. This post demonstrates some planning techniques of your artist and how you would like to represent him in your music video. You have considered some of the styles that you would like your artist to wear, which supports the planning points that you have included on the representation. However, you need to ensure that you have fully explored the role of your artist, by considering all the locations that you are using.

    1) Relate points back to your lyrics
    2) Include images to support the points that you have made

  2. This post now demonstrates proficient planning techniques and this is because you have considered certain lyrics from your song, to support the points that you have made. Aim to include different lyrics, rather than the same ones.

  3. This post now demonstrates good planning techniques and this is because you have related your points back to the lyrics of your song and have explored your reasons for wanting to implement a certain convention within your own music video.
