Friday 11 December 2015

Group meetings - Miss Georgiou


There are a number of purposes towards a group meeting. As a whole they help to shape the entire process of creating the production as it enabled my group and I to organise where and when we would create/ plan out certain things. They are essential to carry out as if this wasn't done everything would be unorganised, which could lead to confusion with what each individual planning process would be, preparing for the creation of the music video itself.

It helped my group and I construct our production. This was as we had set out to do certain things on days which we had planned together, so when it came round to completing the tasks we had little to no distractions and we were clear as to what needed to be done. Also, as we established times where we were all free to do certain things, we dedicated our own time solely to completely that task, so every group member never missed out on any stage as we prioritized this over other things as we already had a schedule which was planned ahead.

I believe my group and I had a number of strengths when it came to creating and following our meetings schedule. As the three of us are good friends, communicating with each other over certain dates which would suit us to complete certain planning tasks was a non issue, and because of this if there was any concerns over anything in particular over our production, we could consult each other easily and with no hassle. We followed the meetings schedule very well, although I believe that one thing I would do differently next time is rather than contributing each individual part for certain elements into the production, more specifically the narrative of our production, we should have discussed as a whole about the task and had one writer while everyone speaks, and share the writing duties out equally if the task required it. This is as at times I was a bit lost as to where we were going with the narrative, although this become clearer the more meetings me had and the more we discussed things.

I've learnt tht when carrying out group meeting, it really does help with making the production flow, preventing less things from getting in the way, although it is still important to be flexible and work around issues if anything does arise.
I think my group and I have worked well together when its come to establishing and following timetables we have organised together. The only times where we had minor issues towards meeting schedule's was if personal issues got in the way of being able to complete certain tasks on certain days, which as a group we managed to work around and always found a way of completely tasks and working around obstacle's.
If I was to repeat this process, one thing I would do differently would be to discuss the narrative in greater detail as a group to avoid any confusion, and to make it a more group orientated discussion task when establishing the narrative of the music video.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of why group meetings are essential to carry out and how it helped you with creating the production. The tables also shows how well you and your group worked well together.

    Elaborate on the points that you have included in your conclusion, by expanding on the points that you have made.
